Valencia in Spain

How to get to Valencia Spain ?

by Marie Sonzini
How to get to Valencia Spain, Valencia España, cheap and direct flights, airline tickets, airfare, low cost airlines Airline tickets, airfare, online booking...
Valencia is more than 800 miles (1300 km) away from London as the crow flies. A direct flight from London to Valencia takes about 2 hours and 20 minutes and prices, especially if the reservation is made in advance, are unbeatable.

Airline tickets and airfare

To take an example, the average airfare for a London-Valencia-London costs a hundred euros when the booking is made two or three months in advance.
Airlines are now very competitive with booking fully flexible (one-way booking, seat selection, flight change). However, in the event of cancellation, tickets are not refundable.
Airfares between the major low cost companies are more or less the same. If, at first sight, a company may seem cheaper than another, surcharges such as fuel, payment with credit card, luggage, insurance or seat could be added to the initial price.

The choice of the company will therefore be made at the best convenience for everyone according to the timetable and the airport (Gatwick or Stansted for London Area).

Airlines serving direct flights to Valencia Spain

Valencia airport is getting more and more important, connecting Valencia to 65 cities. Only for Great Britain, Ryanair is serving London (Stansted), also served by Easyjet (Gatwick), Bournemouth, Bristol, Nottingham.
For more informations about all the destinations, go to Valencia Airport website.

Online travel companies

Online travel companies are becoming more and more numerous. They are very convenient to quickly find the best airlines offers for a specific date, book an hotel or rent a car at the same time or separately.

Main online travel companies placed in alphabetical order : - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Of course, this list is not exhaustive.